ogether, we are facing a truly unprecedented situation. The global Covid-19 pandemic is affecting all of our families, businesses, communities, and the way we have been experiencing life.
I would like to share with you a brief update on how we, Dive Marine Group Services, are managing the current situation and its consequences to our business and services as well as your own.
In these challenging times our hearts are with those who have been affected directly or indirectly by the outbreak of the virus, as well as the many communities around the world that are facing extreme measures in the attempt to slow its spread. We are truly grateful to all the selfless healthcare workers around the world who are on the front lines working tirelessly to care for people in need.
The health, safety and well-being of our employees, their families, our clients and our communities, and following local measures and recommendations, remains our utmost priority. We have therefore taken all necessary steps and put the following precautionary measures in place to minimise the impact on the delivery of services to you:
- Safety On-Site: For all operations, we have advised our clients, crew and operations teams to carry out all operations by non-contact. Job clearance and all other communication with the client’s vessel to be performed via VHF or mobile phone. In case a job requires more than one operations team, these teams are then separated without making contact. All our boats have been equipped with hand sanitisers, personal thermometers and disinfectant to ensure the personal hygiene of our crew and operations teams. Equipment and deck space of launch and work boats are disinfected regularly.
- Working remotely: All non-operations critical staff is encouraged to work remotely from home. Procedures minimising physical contact have been implemented to ensure business continuity via various channels such as email, conference calls, webinars. Employees who must be on-site are applying social distancing and hygiene protocols based on guidance from health authorities and our Biological Risk Response Procedure.
- Our Visitors: At our premises we are reducing physical meetings with clients, suppliers and project stakeholders to a bare minimum. Deliveries are pre-arranged during non-peak hours and any visitor must sign a travel history declaration and undergo temperature screening before entering.
- Travel Restrictions: Following the increasing number of countries putting travel bans and quarantine measures in place, we have cancelled and prohibited all international business travel and are discouraging employees from any travel outside Singapore.
- Our Suppliers: Dive Marine’s operations are supported by a number of strategic suppliers and we are in contact with all of them continually to ensure they apply comparable risk-mitigation measures, while still maintaining the delivery of operations critical supplies.
In spite of the above, our business remains fully operational and our dedicated staff is working around the clock to ensure the continuation of our services with as little impact as possible.
Without a doubt, this crisis is having a severe impact on all businesses, including the global supply chain and maritime industry. Idle times are never welcomed, but should you consider such downtime as an opportunity to carry out any underwater services, NDT and rope access works or require sea logistics support for your passenger and cargo transportation schedules, please do get in touch, so we can discuss and provide you with a tailored solution, fully customized to your individual needs and budget.
On behalf of all of us at ‘Dive Marine’, we are committed to being your partner and we will navigate through these uncertain times together.
As this situation evolves, we will reach out to you with further updates and support you in the safest and most professional manner possible.
Yours sincerely,
Eugene Tho
Managing Director
Safer, Together
DM Group Services
[email protected]
+65 98781777