1. What was the moment you knew you’d made the right decision to work here?

The moment I put on the diving gear for the very first time I felt like it was a part of me. It felt natural and comfortable, as if I belong here.

Plus, diving is an exciting profession. Every assignment earns you a different experience, a fresh challenge, and a varied scene.

The sound of the sea breeze and smell of the ocean is always refreshing; there is an adrenaline rush from diving into choppy waters or a storm; and where else could you imagine working that requires you to swim with sea snakes, alligators, barracudas and maybe, even sharks.

2. Tell us about your journey with DM Group Services.

I joined Dive Marine three decades ago. I made my way from being a trainee commercial diver with Dive Marine to my current role as a Managing Partner of DM Group Services.

As a trainee, I did well over 30 jobs a month. While it was exhausting at times, I was passionate, committed and determined to stay and grow here. My superiors recognised this and I was promoted to a Commercial Diver in less than three months and Diving Supervisor within a year. Thereafter, I continued to climb the corporate ladder to lead the Sales and Business Development team in the office before advancing to the Management and eventually becoming a shareholder of the Group.

My 30 year long journey here from an employee to a shareholder is a proof that DM Group Services’ hosts a wealth of opportunities to monetise your passion for the underwater world. DM Group Services offers a home to driven professionals who dare to dream big.

3. What was your best day at work?

Each time I completed an assignment, especially a challenging one, it was fulfilling.

4. What’s something that happened that can only happen here?

I was once assigned to a docking project. I was so engrossed in stabilising the docking blocks that I overlooked the exit route and was near distress. While every trade has its risk, I think is critical for one to adhere to safety rules. This is an area where a diver can be trapped and requires quick mind to swim off to see the day of light can only happen here.

5. What are you most proud of?

Seeing how DM Group Services has grown since its inception in 1974 to its current capabilities, particularly in the last decade. From solely offering commercial diving services, the Company conglomerated into DM Group Services, housing three specialized entities that provide I.R.M services below, above and on-water. Our hard work lead to international expansion in Gibraltar, Spain, Belgium, Hong Kong and (soon in South Korea).

6. What are you most looking forward to in 2023?

There are a few things we are looking forward to this year. Firstly, I would like all our operating offices to invest more into ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) initiatives and lead the way in our industry.

Secondly, we’re looking into the expansion of the ROV department with a full suite of varying ROV system to cater for the different needs and environment.

Next, with the resumption of economic activities the aim is to grow our teams globally.

And finally, but definitely not the least important, is investing more into our existing divers to enhance their capabilities and qualifications to match international standards.

7. What is the most common misconception people have about the commercial diving industry?

Most common misconception of commercial diving is often perceived as a highly renumerated yet dangerous job. I believe complacency is often the root of many unnecessary incidents. It also involves a lot of effort, hard works and perseverance.

8. Describe a memory from your diving days.

One of my most memorable dives was to clean a Semi-Submersible MODU which was out in the field for more than 10 years. Initially, we were quite thrilled about it since it’s an unusual and rare vessel type. Plus we were looking forward to cleaning fouling of rare species. However, and to our disappointment, there weren’t any fascinating species or beautiful corals; just a jungle of usual fouling that would put off any diver.

Nonetheless, our team carried out the cleaning painstakingly for weeks. Each day we ran numerous rounds of cleaning carts, suffered cuts from harsh fouling, and endured debris falling onto us like a snowstorm as we cleaned. Although we may have been “scarred” from this assignment, it also toughened us up both physically and mentally. I think some tough leaders were born that day!

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Talk To Our Team

Eugene Tho

Managing Director, Dive Marine Services

Eugene, with more than 26 years of experience in the marine industry, is responsible for the planning, management and execution of Dive Marine’s strategic vision to develop and grow the company into one of the leading commercial diving companies providing clients, comprehensive and integration solutions.

Eugene’s responsibilities include business development and performance of the company’s business. He has spear headed the diversification of businesses and developed the various subsidiaries within the Group.


Dive Marine Services

Tel: +65 6515 0090
Email: [email protected]