Our ship maintenance services

There are few companies in Singapore and South East Asia that offer the expert level of marine maintenance services we provide.  As industry leaders in underwater hull cleaning and maintenance, our divers use the broadest range of sustainable services and technologies on the market, customised for every ship on which we work. 

We are constantly looking for new technologies that can optimise our clients’ fleet performance and have a positive impact on the marine life and eco-systems, this includes specialized underwater repairs such as installation of Energy-Saving Propeller Boss Cap Fins (PBCF) System, repair and renewal of scrubber overboard pipes.

We provide the complete scope of underwater inspection, repair and maintenance services, including but not limited to:

  • Underwater hull cleaning (including NZ MPI requirements)
  • Propeller cleaning & polishing
  • Class inspection surveys
  • Underwater welding & cutting
  • Water tank inspections and repairs
  • Civil engineering work and related diving support

Specalised underwater jobs in specific locations:

  • Hull cleaning with debris reclaim & water filtration
  • Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) inspections and cleanings
  • Propeller repairs
  • Customized cofferdams installation
  • Permanent and temporary hull repairs
  • Repair and renewal of scrubber overboard pipes
  • Installation of Energy-Saving Propeller Boss Cap Fins (PBCF)
  • Sea chest and overboard blanking
  • Replacement of thruster and its components


Dive Marine Services – Repairs

Underwater Propeller Damage Repairs

We know that underwater propellers are easily damaged if they strike a buoy, floating logs, debris or ice. The damage is usually located at the tip of the blade, which can become bent or chipped, causing vibrations. The solution is to trim the blades equally to remove the damage and achieve a proper balance while at the same time reducing excessive cavitation. This technique requires extremely accurate measurements of the diameter of the individual blades to reduce to an absolute minimum the amount of material removed and to ensure the perfect propeller balance.

When trimming damaged blades, the nature and location of the damage determines the type of repair we carry out. Modifications are made depending on the desired RPM impact which restores the RPM/MCR ratio.

Underwater Welding, Cutting and Sealing

We utilize the very best tools and techniques available, such as Hydroweld and Broco electrodes for external or internal repairs.  These are proven to produce the most constant temperature delivery for the best weld quality possible. We place a high emphasis on the competency of our underwater welders who are AWS D 3.6 Wet-Welding certified, and approved by DNV.   

Underwater sealing of leakage holes are treated  by using double bolted “sandwich” repairs to secure the 10mm leakage hole with epoxy application, thus ensuring the best results. 

  • Afloat repairs
    • Propeller cold bending
    • Aft seal renewal
    • Bow thruster replacement
  • Wet welding & cutting
  • Underwater sealing of leakage
  • Removal & installation of thruster units
  • Vessel Repair
    • Welding & fabrication (certified 6G/R welders & fabricators)
    • Insulation repairs, cladding & fabric)
    • Electrical installation & inspection testing – insulation, HIPOD, EX Compex
    • Heavy lifting & rigging
    • Remedial painting – mechanical surface preparation
  • Storage tank sprinkler head cleaning/replacement
  • Fire monitor repair
  • Loading arm repairs
  • Valve blinding/de blinding
  • Structural upgrades, modifications & repairs (derricks, topside modules, tanks & platforms)
  • Welding & fabrication (spool bracket installation, steel removal & replacement, pipe installation & removal – certified 6G coded welders & pipe fitters)
  • Remedial mechanical surface preparation & painting (mechanical surface preparation with multi – coating application}
  • Heavy lifting & rigging works (certified & approved riggers)
  • Hydro-tight tensioning & bolt torqueing (certified & approved technicians)
  • Electrical engineering (cable pulling & termination – installation & modifications of cable trays)
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Anode installation & removal
  • Flare tip (removal – repair – replacement A-frame or helicopter operations)

DM Group Services is an industry leader in providing underwater and at-height inspection services to multiple industries. Given that many of our customers often need a combination of services, all three companies regularly work together; Dive Marine Services teams working below the hull, DM NDT inspectors and IRATA certified NDT rope access technicians at-height, with DM Sea Logistics providing transportation and boat access for everyone involved on the project.  This is a significant value-add to our customers who effectively have one multi-purpose team working efficiently and safely together.   

Inspection services carry a major responsibility which we take very seriously; the safety of our customers is of utmost importance and we are proud of our reputation in this regard and the trust we’ve earned in providing these expert services.

The full list of services we provide
  • UWILD class inspection
  • Underwater inspections
    • Still photography
    • CCTV/video recording
  • Vessel inspection
  • Vessel inspection with New Zealand standard
  • Pipeline inspection/installations
  • Seabed inspection
    • Hydrographic surveys
  • Tank inspection
  • ROV inspection
  • Class Hull integrity inspection
  • Baseline inspection

Our Services